Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Not. Ready. For Boozin'.

Man oh man, you know the thing that happens when you pull a muscle and you leave it alone for part of the day but later on you can't help yourself from testing to see if bending it around still hurts? You just have to test the edges of the injury, and this totally makes it worse?

Well I thought I could have a little wine with dinner, and that is false. That was the incorrect conclusion. I should not have had any wine with dinner. I didn't even have very much and I am foggy and headachey and it's not my favorite. The impact of booze on my body is a torn muscle that I must let rest. Wine can suck it. I'm so pissed at wine. I can basically do one Guinness over the course of about 3 hours and that feels great and that's it. Wine, no. No no no.

But I had a super great time! I went with my friend to dinner with her friends, and her friends are funny, boisterous Europeans - bordering on rowdy - who made us blackened string beans and an Asian-style soup with vegetables and sticky toffee pudding. They were good fun and excellent hosts - which also means my wine glass was topped off at every opportunity. It's like some hosts have magical gumby arms that reach behind or above you and you don't even realize you have more booze until you go to take a sip. Sigh. We talked trash about their bosses and the usual stuff like that, and then we got around to me.

Well what did I do? It's never quite as simple as saying I'm studying to be a yoga teacher, since nobody comes out of the life-box studying yoga. Sometimes I don't want to provide any context. Somehow getting into the whole lawyer thing complicates everything, and makes my life sound more glamorous than it is, and I feel a little conflicted about giving the impression that I have any abilities or clue about existing. But anyway we talked about what I'm doing and what I want to do and whether I know what I'm supposed to do, and I got some sassy advice from a tipsy French lady along the lines of "you clearly have no clue about anything but that is fine, keep going, you might not think so but it's actually going pretty well."

So that's good. It's nice to get a little fresh perspective on yourself sometimes from strangers. It was fun. And the headache will go away.

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