Saturday, March 12, 2011

Oh My God Working is Like Pretty Annoying Y'all

Dude how do people live their lives AND go to work? I started my new job this week and I only did three days, but I feel like that should be enough for the month. Srsly. Everything I've been working on went out the window for the week, and I'm picking up the pieces of my brain right now to feel like I can keep going with everything. I have to find a place to live, first of all, which is like double varsity annoying to the exxxtreme, but once that's done it'll be great to have a place to live that I can pay for out of my working-girl salary. Kind of reassuring.

But I have to say that starting this job has really underscored the fantasy of yoga teaching as a life - I look forward to my little buddy-brunch yoga trip on Sundays like I don't look forward to anything work related. And of course the full-blown fantasy version is a little on hold right now since I have this job. And just to make the timing all the more frustrating, a three month apprentice-teaching program is happening with one of my favorite teachers right now, and I can't try to get into it because now I have a job. But I'm staying calm about it, the dream isn't disintegrating, it's just that another dream is taking shape right now and I need to turn my attention to this for a while, and I can maintain the thread of my yoga life after business hours, in my future apartment where I eventually will live and have all my books and junk all how I like them around my desk and I can work on my feminist manifesto autobiography.

Speaking of books and autobiographies: I am reading for fun right now Spalding Gray's book Sex and Death to the Age of Fourteen, and it's pretty interesting. He's that monologist whose life consisted of running around doing things and then telling audiences about what he did. This also sounds like an amazing life to me, and the stories are good mostly because he's incredibly neurotic. His story telling is pretty compelling, I admit, and it is definitely the result of his long relationship with improvisational and experimental theater, none of which I have ever done, but still, I think monologuing is an interesting undertaking. Blogging, just out loud, right? That's a thing I would like to try to do, write one monologue about something.

Anyway no one wants to read a blog that never posts, so we'll see how it goes trying to blog regularly and have a job. My entire NYC fan base was alarmed by my wrapping it up, and the fans are the most important thing.

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